Certificate Course
Advance IV Certification Course
An Initiative by INS India & 3M India
Advance IV Certification Course
A comprehensive approach to all Vascular Access Devices Care and Management
- This certification course aims at providing a comprehensive organizational approach to vascular access device (VAD) care and management.
After completion of this course, the nurse/HCP will be able to:
- Understand the different catheter types and identify the best suited catheter for the appropriate therapy
- Understand the various complications associated with different vascular access devices
- Determine the various challenges in prevention of these complications.
- Know the guidelines for care and management of various vascular access devices
Course content and structure
- This certification course will be based on progressive learning format and will consist a total of 5 modules.
- will be divided into “knowledge based” and “skill based” training where 70% emphasis will be on the knowledge and 30% will be spent on the skills with hands-on demonstrations, videos etc.
The Each module will cover one type of VAD in detail.
- Module 1: Peripheral vascular access devices
- Module 2: Central vascular access devices
- Module 3: Peripherally Inserted Central Line Catheters (PICC)/Ports
- Module 4:Arterial catheters
- Module 5:Dialysis Catheters
Each module will contain
Presentations by healthcare experts
Standards and guidelines
Procedural videos, simulations
Assessment at the end of the module
The content will be based on the INS standards – “Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice” and “Policies and Procedures for Infusion Nursing.”
Healthcare Experts

Course completion
At the completion of all the modules of the course with an acceptable score of 80% and above in assessment, the participant shall receive a course completion certificate.
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